Privacy Policy

In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”), this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains how Trilogy Hotels Pty Ltd (herein referred to as “Trilogy Hotels”, “we”, “us” and “our”) handles your personal information, including ways in which we collect, use, disclose and protect any personal information that you provide to us. For the purpose of this Policy, “personal information” has the same meaning as it is defined under the Privacy Act.

This Policy is a demonstration of our dedication to safeguarding your personal information. Trilogy Hotels values your privacy rights and endeavors to provide you with a reliable experience, whether you’re using our websites, visiting our hotels, or making bookings with us.

The personal information we collect

From time to time, Trilogy Hotels will collect and store personal information provided by you directly on our website or through other channels. This may include details such as your name, age, photograph, gender, address, phone number, fax number, email address, social media contact details, and any other information relevant to you as an individual. If you are affiliated with a business or organization that is our customer, your personal information may also encompass business details (such as name, address, phone numbers, payment arrangements, financial information, etc.), your role within the organization (such as owner, partner, director, shareholder, employee, or agent), and your work contact information (such as work address, work phone numbers, work fax number, and work email address).

How your personal information is collected

Trilogy Hotels collects personal information from you in a variety of ways, including when you interact with us electronically, or in person, when you access our website and when we provide our services to you.

Direct correspondence: You may provide us with personal information through forms, postal mail, phone calls, emails, or other means. This includes details you submit online when booking accommodation, subscribing to newsletters, or participating in surveys, contests, or promotional activities. Additionally, we collect personal information offline during your visits to our properties.

Automated communications: Personal information obtained through automated technologies or interactions may include device information (such as IP address, MAC address, device type, browser, and operating system), referral and exit pages from our website, website visitation details (date, time, page views, navigation patterns), general geographic location, and search terms used to access our website. We collect this personal information by using cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies.

Security Systems: Information may be gathered about you through closed-circuit television systems, electronic key cards, and other security measures when you visit our hotels.

Third parties or publicly available sources: We may receive personal information from various third parties and public sources, including business partners, franchisors, hotels managed by us, travel agents, and aggregators.

Why we need to collect your personal information

We use personal information to provide you with information, updates and our services, as well as to protect the safety and security of our guests, team members and hotels.

Examples of how we use your personal information include, but are not limited to:

• Verifying your identity
• Managing our interactions and relationship with you
• Facilitating the reservation, booking, and management of your stay at our hotels
• Distributing newsletters, publications, and promotional materials
• Keeping you informed about promotions, special events, and other activities
• Delivering services to you
• Enhancing and refining our business operations and services
• Handling payments
• Adhering to legal obligations imposed upon us

Use and disclosure of your personal information

Our goal is to provide you with the highest level of hospitality and service, and to do so, we share your personal information with the following parties:

Our Hotels: We disclose personal information to other companies within our corporate structure to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy. Your personal information is shared with our hotels to facilitate and finalise your reservation.

Strategic business partners: Personal information and other data are shared with business partners who offer goods, services, and promotions that enhance your hotel experience. Through data sharing, we can provide personalised services and unique travel experiences.

Service providers: Personal information is disclosed to third-party service providers to fulfil the purposes described in this Policy. Examples include companies providing website hosting, data analysis, payment processing, order fulfilment, IT infrastructure, customer service, email delivery, and marketing.

Public administrations and police bodies: Personal information may be disclosed to public authorities and law enforcement agencies when required by law or as part of an investigation, to fulfil regulatory obligations, prevent fraud or money laundering, and collaborate with these entities in their official duties. We may also disclose personal information to courts and other authorities if mandated by law.

We ensure that all third parties protect your personal information and handle it in accordance with applicable laws. We do not permit our third-party service providers to use your personal information for their own purposes; they are only allowed to process your personal information for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

Accessing your personal information

We are committed to maintaining the accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance of the information we hold and use about you. If you request the deletion of your personal information and such information is essential for the services you intend to purchase, we will honor your request unless it is necessary for legitimate business reasons or legal and contractual record-keeping purposes.

We will provide you with access to any personal information that we hold about you without charge.

Access can be obtained by emailing or writing to Trilogy Hotels, Level 32, 200 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.



If you believe that we have not met our obligations under the Privacy Act, failed to adhere to the terms outlined in this Policy, or wish to appeal a decision made by us concerning your personal information, you may submit a written complaint to our Privacy Officer using the contact details provided in this Policy. We will acknowledge your complaint within a reasonable timeframe and outline the subsequent steps we will take to address it.

If you are unsatisfied with our response and if the relevant Privacy Act applies, you have the opportunity to escalate your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (“OAIC“). The OAIC contact information may be found below:

OAIC – listed on their website:

At the date of this policy, the OIAC’s details are:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Post: GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW  2001

Telephone: 1300 363 992


International transfer of your personal information

When we share personal information, it might be transferred to and processed in countries different from your country of residence. These countries may have laws that differ from those you are accustomed to. When we disclose personal information to a third party in another country, we implement safeguards to ensure the protection of your personal information.

By providing us with your personal information, you consent to the disclosure of your personal information to such overseas recipients for the purposes outlined in this Policy. You acknowledge that these overseas recipients may not be subject to laws requiring them to protect your personal information in a manner comparable to the safeguards provided by the Privacy Act. It should be noted that if an overseas recipient breaches the Australian Privacy Principles, they will not be bound by the Privacy Act, and you will not be able to seek recourse under it.

Our contact details

If you have any questions about this Policy or our privacy practices, would like to make a complaint or request access to or correction of your personal information, please contact us by any of the following means.

Our contact details in respect of any issues in relation to privacy are:


Post            Level 32, 200 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia

Changes to this Policy

Trilogy Hotels reserves the right to make amendments to this Policy at any time for any reason. We will publish any updated Policy on our website.